Benefits Of Recycling

Recycling Basics

  1. Benefits Of Recycling Essay
  2. Benefits Of Recycling Glass
  3. Environmental Benefits Of Recycling

There are a number of materials that can be put out with your recycling. However, some of them, depending on your specific recycling center, have some guidelines for how to recycle them. These guidelines come from how the items are actually recycled at the center. Certain things can gum up the works can even harm the machines.

Paper and Cardboard

Benefits of recycling aluminum cans

Recycling should be implemented effectively in a company due to its multitude benefits such as cost-effectiveness, company image enhancement, clutter reduction and saving space. Benefits of Recycling Environmental problems have become so complex that many businesses and individuals can feel helpless in the fight to protect our natural resources. Problems like global warming, hazardous waste, loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain, the ozone layer, and the municipal waste crisis can feel out of our control. List of Advantages of Recycling 1. Environmental conservation and protection. The continuous use of paper means trees are cut down continually, but not when paper made from certain trees are re-used repeatedly.

Newspapers are special because once the recycling process is complete, the materials go back to the printing company to be made into more newspaper. They need to go in their own bin. Magazines, computer paper, and other paper products can go together in one bin. The staples that bind the magazines together are fine, however plastic wrap or rubber bands should be removed. Items that should not be grouped together with paper recycling include carbon paper, stickers, cardboard, laminated paper. Cardboard has their own specific guidelines. Cardboard boxes need to be broken down, flat, before it can be collected. In addition, wet or excessively dirty cardboard like pizza boxes can not be recycled because it can clog the sorting machines.


Plastic bottles are a highly recyclable material, in fact all plastic bottles should be recycled instead of being thrown away. However, the tops of the bottles should be thrown in with the regular recycling and not with the bottles themselves. Plastic grocery bags are another item that is highly recyclable. Of course, it is a very good idea to reuse these bags before you recycle them, as it reduces your overall plastic use. Most grocery stores also have bins outside where you can recycle plastic bags as well. Any and all plastic materials should be recycled to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills. Plastic is not biodegradable and it can take 500-1,000 years for plastic to completely degrade.

Glass and Metal

Glass is recycled according to their color. Clear, green and brown. Centers prefer it when glass is separated into those specific colors. Almost all glass containers are recyclable and accepted by recycling centers. Light bulbs have their own specific process of recycling and have to be handled with care. This is because some light bulbs contain certain chemicals that can be harmful to yourself and the environment if they are released.

When recycling food cans from cat food, dog food, or regular human food, you need to wash them out before discarding them. This is good for two reasons. One, the food can create unsanitary conditions in the machines and two, if your recycling sits in your house for a week or so, those food cans will start to really smell. Aluminum cans are actually very valuable as recyclable items and most centers request that they are not flattened.

Benefits Of Recycling Essay

Aluminum foil and foil packaging is important to recycle because they can be reused in mechanical components like engine parts. Paint and aerosol cans are also recyclable, but they are considered hazardous waste and need to be kept away from other recyclables. Copper is 100% recyclable, as are all its alloys like bronze and brass. The recycling of copper also only requires 15% of the total energy used in the production and extraction of copper.

At Ecology, we provide the most cutting-edge solution for transporting and processing recycled materials in the Western United States. We also collect and recycle junk cars so that their old parts can be reused for scrap, all of which we transport in our eco-friendly collection fleet and distribute to our several facilities throughout Southern California. We care about the environment and strive to educate others about how important recycling and reusing is to the environment and society at large. With that in mind, we at Ecology have compiled a list of the Top 5 Benefits of Recycling. Please read on to learn more!

The Top 5 Benefits of Recycling

Benefits Of Recycling Glass

  1. Saves Energy: When we recycle, the used materials are processed and repurposed into resources we need. Instead of burning energy manufacturing completely new products, recycled goods can be put back out into the marketplace for consumer use. With that, we as consumers have what we need without consuming massive amounts of energy to do so, a process the world has relied on for too long. This is the core of what we at Ecology do; we offer up our transportation resources and recycling facilities to aid the recycling process, starting a chain of eco-conscious activity that benefits humankind and our planet.
  2. Conserves Natural Resources: Our planet has been overused and resources have been depleting over time, but this is something that we as a society are finally beginning to understand and work to change. At Ecology, we strive to conserve our natural resources by providing recycling and transportation services for waste materials throughout the western portion of the United States. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Southern California makes the difficult part of recycling, the collection, and processing of the materials, easy on our neighbors and associates.
  3. Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Our carbon footprint, which measures the amount of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions afflicting our environment, is out of control in this country. This is not something we take lightly at Ecology. Part of our services includes taking vehicles that would otherwise be thrown away and recycle its various parts for reuse. This helps curb greenhouse gas emissions since new objects are constructed by materials that would have been clogging landfills, and these objects would otherwise have been manufactured by raw materials, the process of which would emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere! At Ecology, we strive at all points to create a system that coexists with a greener, more eco-conscious way of life.
  4. Prevents Pollution: Harmful pollution enters our atmosphere when raw materials are collected and manufactured for creating new items. With the work we do at Ecology, we collect scrap materials and otherwise discarded resources to create a new chain of recycled goods. These will be re-purposed into something useful. No new raw materials will need to be collected and put through the industrial system on our watch!
  5. Reduces Waste: When we dispose of something in the garbage, it is hauled away to a landfill where it will be left to rot. Recycling helps reduce waste by bringing discarded materials to recycling facilities, such as ours, wherein the objects will be collected and re-purposed. A reduction in waste also occurs when objects are recycled since new resources will not be collected and possibly wasted in the process of manufacturing. In a nutshell, recycling gives old materials a new life, reducing the amount of waste we create. The cycle of waste ends with recycling!

Environmental Benefits Of Recycling

The benefits of recycling do not end there, of course. Recycling helps provide our planet with clean, renewable resources that are gentle on the environment. At Ecology, we know that most people are very busy and are not always certain what happens to their recycled goods after they place them at the curb each week. Our eco-friendly transportation services allow us to move millions of pounds of bulk waste to our recycling facilities. Ecology’s recycling facilities throughout Southern California collects metals and plastics that have been recycled throughout the western United States so that they may be reused. Additionally, we collect and process junk cars for scrap, separating needed parts to re-purpose. Our mission is to help create a cleaner America with our eco-conscious recycling practices, something that will benefit all of us and our planet.