Parker Team Player Survey Free

The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) will help you identify your style as a team player. The results will lead you to an assessment of your current strengths and provide a basis for a plan for increasing your effectiveness as a team player. Team Building: What Makes a Good Team Player?, based on Glenn M. Parker's Parker Team Player Survey, focuses on four types of team players and illustrates how group's can build on the strengths of each personality to reach team goals. › Parker Team Player Survey Free Download ▼

TEAM BUILDING SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISE The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) is an easy-to-use self-assessment exercise that helps individuals identify their primary team player style—contributor, collaborator, communicator, or challenger. They discover how to best use their style for improved team performance and how to adjust the role they play on the team to meet the team’s needs. Each survey includes complete scoring information, interpretation of the results, and feedback materials that help team members understand their primary and less-used styles. The PTPS is an excellent tool for use in providing insight when forming teams, as an informative icebreaker activity for newly formed teams, or as a development tool for intact teams.

Source: iStock Workers are often told that employers are looking for employees who. But what you may not know is there are different types of team players. Each member of a work team has a unique way of contributing to the organization’s overall goal. Here’s how to discover your style.

Generally, the widely held view is that being a team player is a one-size-fits-all label, and that it means sacrificing for the greater good of the organization, complaining very little, and being a “good soldier.” Consequently, the phrase, “taking one for the team,” has a negative connotation. However, effective team collaboration does not have to be unpleasant grunt work, but rather a celebration of the potpourri of talents that exist within an organization. Workforce consultant and author Glenn M. Parker says being an effective player on a work team means much more than just getting a job done.

Rocksmith 2014 all updates and unlocked profile and over 400. The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) will help you identify your style as a team player. The results will lead you to an assessment of your current strengths and provide a basis for a plan for increasing your effectiveness as a team player. The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) is an easy-to-use self-assessment exercise that helps individuals identify their primary team player style—contributor, collaborator, communicator, or challenger. They discover how to best use their style for improved team performance and how to adjust the role they play on the team to meet the team’s needs.


Chicken invaders 2 christmas edition. Each employee brings different gifts and talents to the table in an effort to achieve a common goal. It involves the active creation and exchange of new ideas delivered through different work styles.

Parker team player survey free printable

Finding your style So how do you know which type of player you are? Fortunately, Parker developed a survey, called The Parker Team Player Survey, to assist employees with identifying their unique way of collaborating in a group setting. (If you are interested in the survey, you can access it or in the resource section at the end of Parker’s book.). Source: iStock In the book, Parker proposes there are four different types of team players: 1. The Contributor You’ll never have to worry about a task getting completed when you have a Contributor on your team. Contributors tend to be task-oriented.

Glenn Parker Team Survey

Their strengths lie in sharing information with the team and making sure every aspect of a project is taken care of. Contributors are thorough and detail-oriented. “The Contributor is a task-oriented team member who enjoys providing the team with good technical information and data, does his or her homework, and pushes the team to set high performance standards and to use their resources wisely.

Parker Team Player Survey Free Download

Most people see you as dependablepeople describe you as responsible, authoritative, reliable, proficient, and organized,” said Parker. The Collaborator If you’re the one who makes sure a project stays on track, you’re likely a Collaborator. Collaborators are highly goal-oriented and know how to keep their eyes on the prize. Very little can deter them from accomplishing what they set out to do. “The Collaborator is a goal-directed member who sees the vision, mission, or goal of the team as paramount but is flexible and open to new ideas, willing to pitch in and work outside his or her defined role, and able to share the limelight with other team membersPeople describe you as forward looking, goal directed, accommodating, flexible, and imaginative,” said Parker.